translator request: o'reilly shop

[i don't know if this should go into category 'Site Translators' or 'Feature Requests']

i'd like to store programming books in zotero. for this, a reference to the shop.o' site seems 'closer to the source' than

compared to what is saved from the amazon page, however, metadata is missing from what is saved from the o'reilly page.

* Deploying OpenStack,
* Deploying OpenStack,

in the o'reilly item, author, date, publisher, # of pages and isbn are missing, and a snapshot of the page is saved, 'though the metadata URL would - i think - suffice (or a link attachment to the current page, like the amazon item does).
  • You can look at doing this yourself - it's not hard at all:
    but I don't think anyone of us is going to do this - the pay-off is minimal. You could also just copy the ISBN and use add item by identifier - now that we're getting LoC data for that, the results will usually be excellent.
  • thanks a ton for both pointers!

    the translator framework looks promising; my next two requests would have been for a dutch newspaper and recipe site :) it's good to know i can roll my own - relatively easily, and the LoC lookup is turning out beautiful.
  • The Framework is ideal to write translators for those types of sites (i.e. newspapers, recipes, etc.)
    we're happy to help with any problems over at zotero-dev:!forum/zotero-dev
    also, if you do put something together, please consider submitting the translator for inclusion into Zotero.
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