Zotero and Altmetric project


Is Zotero planning to work on the Altmetric project (http://www.altmetric.com/) by sharing user data such as the number of readers of articles ?

Many thanks indeed for answering me,

Best regards,

  • (I'm not affiliated with Zotero & I don't have any formal say in this but:) I don't think Zotero should pass on (or even gather) _any_ information based on non-public libraries without explicit and voluntary user permission.
    I believe some type of API to gather info from public libraries is eventually planned.
  • Indeed, many nations have laws that prohibit such data gathering by websites unless users specifically opt-in.

    That said, I have had numerous requests from journal publishers, universities, and individual authors to provide aggregate summaries of clicks to "their" abstracts in my online bibliographic database. I'd like to do it. It would be very simple to implement. But, even though the information would be reported in aggregate form the base data would still be at the individual-level. This sort of data reaches a bit beyond what is routinely collected on web-server logs.
  • I think this an absolute must have, although you do want users to opt into uploading anonymised stats, science 2.0 is about connecting the dots. Altmetric is playing an important role in connecting real impact to individual papers. Being in someone's zotero library definitely means something , having actually read it is even better, and of course citing it is the ultimate impact. Weather it is in another paper or in the media.
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