ScienceDirect Mysteries: The site or zotero?
ScienceDirect. Sometimes, not always, zotero downloads incorrect fulltext pdf (only the pdf is the wrong one - the citation data is ok). Manual link on the webpage opens the correct pdf, but zotero's auto-download retrieves another pdf. Sample (links won't work from here, just to show the discrepancies),
Manual link on webpage to correct pdf:
Link listed in zotero for the downloaded - incorrect - pdf:
As can be seen, the variable "_imagekey" (which is the article's ID I believe) + following variables does not match. Is it the site feeding zotero bad data or is it the translator?
Manual link on webpage to correct pdf:
Link listed in zotero for the downloaded - incorrect - pdf:
As can be seen, the variable "_imagekey" (which is the article's ID I believe) + following variables does not match. Is it the site feeding zotero bad data or is it the translator?
EDIT: Note that there is something peculiar with the URL parser on these forums, as parentheses, (), are not correctly parsed in text within a link (a href). I had to URL encode them in both the link and in this text. Hope this has nothing to do with my request that angle brackets serve as linking delimiters in text mode (which are the uniquely recommended delimiters from several folks [1][2][3]) ....
I think the problem might be because ScienceDirect changed their website format a little bit. And now they list the related articles on the right, but also listed their corresponding pdf links. I think this might be the problem.
for exapmle, when i capture this page:
it will capture the pdf of the first related article, instead of the correct one.