Problems with DSpace electronic archives
Zotero is unable to save items from electronic archives powered by the DSpace software, such as the MIT archive: when the browser window contains a list of titles. In these cases, even if in the URL bar appears on the right the icon of the folder, if you click on it the messagge: "Could not save items" appears. Instead, in the case of a window containing only an individual record, the save process is ok.
However, in these cases there is another problem: if the record refers to a journal article and the data about the source (journal title, volume etc.) are recorded in the Dublin Core field: dc.identifier.citation, Zotero is unable to save these informations and the Zotero record doesn't store any information about the source of the article. The same happens with book chapters. So the problem is the ability for Zotero to retrieve and save information from the DC field dc.identifier.citation
Could you please fix this problem with Zotero?
Zotero is unable to save items from electronic archives powered by the DSpace software, such as the MIT archive: when the browser window contains a list of titles. In these cases, even if in the URL bar appears on the right the icon of the folder, if you click on it the messagge: "Could not save items" appears. Instead, in the case of a window containing only an individual record, the save process is ok.
However, in these cases there is another problem: if the record refers to a journal article and the data about the source (journal title, volume etc.) are recorded in the Dublin Core field: dc.identifier.citation, Zotero is unable to save these informations and the Zotero record doesn't store any information about the source of the article. The same happens with book chapters. So the problem is the ability for Zotero to retrieve and save information from the DC field dc.identifier.citation
Could you please fix this problem with Zotero?