Pubmed handling of author names with diacritical

The first author for this citation:

has a diacritical (slash) in the third character of their last name ("o") . It is not captured properly in Zotero 1.0.3 R2530. The diacritical character is represented as ø and that extended string - and not the anticipated representation - an lower case o with a slash - shows up in the database, and in word processor citations calling that reference.

Kudos again on the modified pubmed interface!
  • Ticket closed as fixed, but using r 2544 on Ubuntu the problem is not fixed. Sorry.

    Captured fresh just now: "Brøgger"
  • Oops works fine in Wiki, but is still shown as ambersand x000f8; in Zotero.
  • The fix wasn't pushed to clients yet. It now has been, and your copy of Zotero should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Now in the General pane of the Zotero prefs.
  • edited April 10, 2008
    OK...thanks again for the prompt response and resolution.
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