in EndNote vs Zotero : manage multiple databases searching

Please somebody show me how to do it in zotero :

this is what I do in campus computer using endnote x4 (dont have it in my laptop)

I search with keywords "paperless".
2 databases use, pubmed and ovid medline.
search with pubmed result 5, and moved to group pubmed
search with ovid result 4, and moved to group ovid

now, I need to remove duplicate in these two groups. just go to references -- find duplicate -- and I choose "keep"
result : group pubmed 4 citation left, and group ovid 2 citation. TOTAL citation 6.

NOW, in the case of Zotero
i do the same thing, and the result each will move to pubmed and ovid collection (same thing with group in endnote)

and, now I will remove duplicate.
We will see basically 2 option, either merge (choose which one as master) or right click delete.

the RESULT ?
if we MERGE , there will be only 6 citation in My Library
in Pubmed collection still have 5 and in Ovid collection still have 4 collection

if we DELETE , you know .. will remove either from collection or my library.

THE BIG question , how to get the same result like in endnote ? rather than in zotero (my example)

Why do I need this ? because if we have to make literature review, and search from 5 databases, than the result such as in EndNote will usefull.

thank you.
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