How to change "Chinese Std GB/T 7714-2005(numeric) "style ?

First [3-5,2] this style is error.The correct format should be "[2,3-5]"
wrong: [5] 张水松, 陈长发, 吴克选, 占有生,何寿庆. 杉木林间伐强度试验20年生长效应的研究[J]. 林业科学, 2005, 41(5): 56–65.
right:[5] 张水松, 陈长发, 吴克选,等. 杉木林间伐强度试验20年生长效应的研究[J]. 林业科学, 2005, 41(5): 56–65.
How to modify the above two problems ?Hope to get everybody's help!Thank you very much!
  • The in-text reference should be [2-5] in your example, yes? If so, it can be fixed easily; just let us know.
    wrong: [5] 张水松, 陈长发, 吴克选, 占有生,何寿庆. 杉木林间伐强度试验20年生长效应的研究[J]. 林业科学, 2005, 41(5): 56–65.
    I can't reproduce this here: I get three names followed by "et al." ("等"). Let's start by looking at your data. Select the item in the center pane, right-click, choose "Export selected item", and save to a file as "Bibliontology RDF". Then paste the content of the file to, save as a Public Gist, and post the URL back here so we can take a look.
  • Thank you for your reply.
    I said the wrong example"[7,3-5,1]".
    I want the correct citation Styles should be "[1,3-5,7].
  • The style is now fixed, and you can get the new version by reinstalling from the Zotero styles repository.

    Let me know if you would like me to look into the names issue.
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