Help with database upgrade

I can't start Zotero, either through FF or Standalone. The error message I receive is "Database upgrade error" I've tried fixing it with the DB tool, but have not had success.

It was Upload ID 50a51982a7f3d

There does not appear to be a file in the Zotero data directory. I do have a number of zotero.bak files with different numbers in the file name. Could they be causing trouble?

Because I can't start Zotero, I can't restore from your copy. That copy seems good, when I give it a quick look on the website. It just doesn't help me too much when I try and cite in Word.

I tried to do the manual fix, but can't seem to figure out sqlite3 (I'm running Windows 7 on a 64 bit computer, which is not forgiving of the 32 bit sqlite3. Unfortunately this has maxed out my computer meddling expertise, at least with what I could currently find on the 'net.) I know there IS a way for someone with a higher level of expertise to run this on 64-bit, I just am unable to do this.

Any help/guidance?

Thanks, Jennifer
  • Also,

    I did see the note about running Firefox 17 and have checked. My Firefox is currently running 16.0.2

  • Does anyone know if it would be possible to move the (presumably still good) zotero.sqlite file from my home computer (Mac) to the work computer with the corrupted file (Windows 7)?
  • Corruption might not be the problem, though. Can you provide a Debug ID for a Firefox startup? (This may or may not be possible after the upgrade error.)
  • Also, you could always move your current Zotero data directory out of the way, start Zotero up, and do a sync to pull all the data from the server. But if you have a lot of data, it's quicker to just copy the data directory from the other computer.
  • edited November 15, 2012
    Yeah, your uploaded database wasn't corrupted. The "Database upgrade error" could indicate a problem elsewhere in your Zotero data directory. Try deleting the 'translators' and 'styles' directories and restarting Firefox.
  • It won't delete the directories. (Very strange, it doesn't throw an error, they just either don't disappear or will reappear. Are there zombie computer files?)

    I tried deleting everything in them, but that still has the same error.

    You are correct, I can't get far enough to get a Debug ID.

    I'll try moving the data directory and see what happens...
  • Did you try deleting them with Firefox/Zotero closed?
  • I had tried deleting them with Firefox/zotero closed, and closed Word, in case the citation add-in was doing something odd. There didn't seem to be any easily traceable to Zotero processes running, but that doesn't mean there wasn't something there giving trouble. I did give up trying once I was able to get Zotero working through other means.

    I was able to copy over my library folder from elsewhere in the system, and now things are back up and running again. All my redundant copies are good for something!

    Thanks for your help, Jennifer
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