JSTOR's New Interface

JSTOR has updated its interface and preliminary testing suggests Zotero does not grab the data as before. I don't get the zotero-icon on a "view article"-page (which contains both embedded pdf and link to the pdf). Viewing an "article info"-page (which contains a link to the full pdf) I only get a snapshot of the webpage from zotero but not the associated pdf.

So, for now, it's a 2-step procedure getting articles from JSTOR: 1) Grab metadata + snap of webpage from "article info"-pages, 2) Open the pdf and attach a snap of it to the reference created in Step 1 etc.

Cheers all,
Viva Zotero!
  • The updated JSTOR translator will be available shortly.
  • The new JSTOR translator is now available. Your site translators will update automatically within 24 hours, or you can click "Update now" in Zotero preferences.
  • I still have this same problem with jstor, despite clicking update now and even uninstalling and reinstalling Zotero on my computer. This is running firefox and OS X 10.5.2.

    I suspect it might be tied to the fact that I've changed my zotero library location to a network volume so I can access it from different computers (jstor works as it should if I switch Zotero back to using the default local profile; but then I lose everything I've entered in my library to date and can only use one computer). Or maybe something's just corrupted about my current library that I don't know how to diagnose, but keeps it from taking the updates. Does anyone have some insight on what I can do to keep my current library as it is, and still get jstor articles and info downloaded? Or is using a remote volume, which up to now has worked great, too much to ask for right now?

    Thanks for such a great program!
  • Try the Reset Translators and Styles button in the Advanced pane of the Zotero prefs.

    Also note that changing the Zotero storage location doesn't copy your files for you—you have to do that manually, with Firefox closed, and then change the setting. But the actual location of the data shouldn't make a difference, so I suspect if you did copy your files back to the default location you'd have the same problem. So try the Reset button.
  • bgms, I do the same (having the Zotero db on a networked volume) and I don't have any problems with the new JSTOR or any other translator.
  • Dan, fantastic, thanks for the help; I hadn't noticed that button, and it's just what I needed. I'm once again happily J-storing PDFs.

    For the record, in case anyone has the same problem, the first time I did this the program hit some corruption that was evidently already in my library file and it made the whole thing unreadable. Luckily I had a backup which I ran through the database repair tool as described in discussion 1686, and once I did that and reset the translators it started to work properly again.

    I don't know if the errors in my database were connected to the problem updating in the first place, but that's now a purely academic question for me. And I happily withdraw any questions I had about running off a networked volume.

    Thanks again, everyone. It's a great program I recommend all the time.

  • I just downloaded Zotero, and I had the same issue with JSTOR. I resolved it by hitting the Reset Translators and Styles button, as Dan suggested. Thanks for the tip!

    (Perhaps in the future such updating could be made automatic? Or at least the instruction to update could be placed more centrally?)

    This software is awesome, by the way.
  • edited May 24, 2008
    Update: Okay, I was wrong. The reason I got JSTOR to work was not because of the Reset button, but because of something rather more strange. For example, JSTOR does not work at this URL:


    But it does work at this URL, which is the exact same article:


    For most articles I get to the first (non-working) URL first. To get to the working URL, I have to click on "Article Information" and then from there click on "View Article". Then it works. Strange!

    (I guess the difference is that the latter is the "stable" URL.)
  • [Added "preview." to the TinyURL in the previous post, since, when not logged in to JSTOR, the resulting JSTOR URL redirects to a /pss/ URL that does show the icon, whereas the original URL does not get the icon.]
  • jstor not working for me 27 March 2009, Friday
  • gandhi: There are no known problems with the JSTOR translator, so it's likely something on your system. Start a new thread and include a URL you're having trouble with.
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