How to automate reference import from a website

Dear forum participants,

For some textometric analysis (, I need first to download large bodies of world bank publications into Zotero (metadata + pdf). A good point is that they are all available in a website that is "translated" by zotero:
Unfortunately, there is no option to "bulk import" from this page (ie. no folder icon appears in my url bar in firefox). This means that I would need to click on the 6000+ links and click on the file icon that appears on each one.

Does someone know if there is a way to do that on an automated way? An idea would be for me to write a macro saying "go to this URL and download through the zotero translator". Indeed the URLs follow a regular naming rule:

Thanks in advance for your ideas and best regards,
  • Dear Adamsmith, it seems that large bulk importation is now working on Ideas portal. I guess from I see in Github that you're the author of these corrections. Thank you very much and happy new year!
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