Style Request: The Auk

I would like to request a CSL style for The Auk. This is one of the big ornithology journals, so hopefully this would be useful for others as well. The most similar style I could find is Journal of Mammalogy.

Differences I found for the Auk:

In-line citations, in a list of multiple authors with multiple dates, the dates are separated by commas while each authors' works are separated by semicolons (Author1 1999a, 1999b; Author2 1992; Author3 2001, 2004). Where there are two works by the same author in the same year, they are lettered by order of appearance in the text. If each author only has one entry within a citation, then they are separated by commas (Author1 1999, Author2 1992, Author3, 2001).

In the bibliography:
Page number not cited.

Book chapters
After the chapter title, “Pp.” is replaced by “Pages”. Italic “In” is replaced by italic “in”. “eds” is “Eds”.

Journal articles
Same as far as I can tell.

Author, A., and B. Author. 1999. Name of webpage. Title of site or publisher or other relevant info. [Online.] Available at

It takes 10 authors to get to “and others” (J. Mammalogy does it after six).

Online style documentation is located here: and a recently published paper is here:

Thanks so much!
  • The style is up now. It will show up on the repository at within 30mins.
    Any problems let us know.
  • Thanks so much; I really appreciate it! I should have time to look at it tomorrow or Tuesday and will let you know.
  • I've had a chance to look at the formatting. So far as I can see, it looks good except for the spacing within parentheses for multiple citations within the same year. It's also missing a space after the semicolon if a different author is added. The repeated year should be gone (letters only if this is possible). I see that I posted that wrong in the original post; please pardon my mistake!

    So, currently it looks like: (Test 1999a, 1999b, 1999c;Prueba 2012) but it should be (Test 1999a, b, c; Prueba 2012). The lack of space after the semicolon also happens with the same author having different years (Test 1998, 1999;Prueba 2012) instead of the correct (Test 1998, 1999; Prueba 2012).
  • thanks, fixed. Style will show up within 30mins (check the timestamp), update by re-installing.
  • Thanks! Those look good. I see that (missed it at first as my document didn't have any online sources), but right now it says "Available At" and it should be "Available at" for online sources.
  • fixed, thanks.
  • Fantastic, thanks for all your work on this! I really appreciate it.
  • Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for your work.
    The Auk/Condor journals updated their instructions for authors on June 5, 2014 and I believe they have changed the format of the literatured cited. For example, the year in journal articles is in brackets. Could you please update the format? There is a quick link to the instructions for authors here
    Thank you in advance!
  • Did this not get updated? I'm trying to format for the Auk and things some off, particularly, need () around year.

    Any help with this? Or is there another journal with the same style that I can used instead? Thank you!
  • The instructions for authors ( ) are actually dated from June, 2015. Moreover, I don't think the style was updated 2014.

    I try to look at it the next days. However, you can help by identifying the differences. Are there any other differences except the parenthesis around the year?

    Moreover, as far as I have understand, the two journals "Auk" and "Condor" are using the same style. We should check that in CSL as well.
  • Hey Zuphilip

    There are a few more differences that I've noticed, mostly for books or sections in books:

    It keeps italicizing the "in" when citing a section of a book, such as: "in Penguins: Natural History and Conservation (P. Garcia Borboroglu and P. D. Boersma, Eds.)." - the in is italicized.

    Also for sections in books, it's putting the pages in the middle of the citation instead of at the end.

    Other than those things and the parentheses around the year, I don't see anything right away.

    I've pretty sure the Condor style is out of date as well, but is the same as the Auk. Thanks!
  • Okay, I am working on these fixes now. Everything should work out, however I have one question about book chapters in this style. There seems to be two variants "SeriesTitle SeriesNumber:Pages" and "Publisher, PublicationPlace, Pages", e.g. from the instructions
    Greenberg, R., C. Elphick, J. Nordby, C. Gjerdrum, H. Spautz, W. G. Shriver, B. Schmeling, B. Olsen, P. Marra, N. Nur, and M. Winter (2006). Flooding and predation: Trade-offs in the nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows. In Terrestrial Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation (R. Greenberg, J. E. Maldonado, S. Droege, and M. V. MacDonald, Editors). Studies in Avian Biology 32:96–109.

    Spector, D. A. (1992). Wood-warbler song systems: A review of paruline
    singing behaviors. In Current Ornithology 9 (D. M. Power, Editor). Plenum Press, New York, NY, USA. pp. 199–238.
    What are the conditions that determine which variant to use for a given book chapter? Currently I prefer the first one if all information for that are available.
  • that first one is a journal article:
    It looks like the journal is published once a year, every time with a different set of associate editors:

    You can add editors for journal titles or you can choose to ignore this entirely.
  • I don't think it is really a journal. Each volume has an ISBN and a title, i.e. it is catalogued as a book inside a "Schriftenreihe", e.g.

    In Zotero one have to enter the three different titles and that makes more sense when I choose a bookSection as itemType:
    • title = Flooding and predation: Trade-offs in the nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows

    • booktitle = Terrestrial Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation

    • seriesTitle = Studies in Avian Biology
  • hmmm, I see.
    But if you look at how they cite it, it looks like it's treated like a journal? Lack of publisher/location and pp.? This looks kind of like how we'd want to treat an article in a special issue of a journal. Unfortunately, we can't currently do that either.
  • A special issue of a journal (="Stücktitelaufnahme") would be another possibility. But: 1) this is normally an issue and not a volume, 2) not every issue would be a special issue, which would be here the case here see publisher website. The citation follows in some parts the normal bookSection (booktitle, editors) and in some other parts the journalArticle (seriesName, number).

    I suggest to handle this in the citation style with a condition of the form
    <if match="all" variable="collection-title collection-number page">
    If the statement is true, then cite with the collection-title, else cite with publisher info. Maybe, the condition should be relaxed (just collection-title might be enough to test). My guess is, that in this discipline some series are much more known than the publishers, and then we should cite them with their series name.
  • yeah, I think that's the best we can do. I'd definitely not relax this any further.
  • The style for The Auk is now updated and the style for The Condor is set as a dependent style of it, i.e. they are looking the same as they should. @penguingirl216 et al: Thank you for reporting and let us know if you find other errors.
  • Thank you so much for fixing this! Sorry that I was not more helpful with the book citation format. Thank you again!
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