Where did my files go?

I am using zotero in firefox on a laptop and standalone on a pc. Had a bunch of files in a collection that I accessed 2 days ago -before I had set up my zotero sync. Now all my new files are synced perfectly but my old collection is empty. Where did my files go? Can I retrieve them or see my old zotero history? Did I somehow accidentally purge my zotero online storage?
  • by "files" you mean Zotero items?
    Are you sure they are not still in your library, and it's just your collection that has gotten deleted?
  • Yes - the zotero items are gone.
    What happened is that I had previously been using zotero standalone on another computer that crashed - and I had not had syncing set up, and I then set up a new computer, new zotero standalone and set up sync.

    I think that I may simply have never synced the files from my standalone to the online database since I wasn't using multiple computers at the time, or I may have accidentally hit purge and cleared the online files before setting up syncing to my new standalone.

    I have zotero integrated to mendeley so I have all the original files, but wondered why/how they could have disappeared from zotero.

    Now that I am working from multiple computers, is it safe to set up a zotero standalone on all and have them sync? Can I leave it open on the desktop? I don't want to lose anything?
  • Now that I am working from multiple computers, is it safe to set up a zotero standalone on all and have them sync? Can I leave it open on the desktop? I don't want to lose anything?
    yes, that's what sync is for (I can't tell you what will happen with Mendeley "integration" - Zotero has nothing to do with that.)
  • I lost an entire collection by ACCIDENT. I thought I deleted ONE article. I had autosync on as I have for years.

    This is really BAD.

    Please don't have this be so easy to do.

  • Woody544: Please start a new thread and describe the problem in more detail. What exactly did you do to loose the files.
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