standalone not retrieving associated pdf files

I was helping a windows (7, 64 bit) user get started with Zotero. We discovered that when saving journal articles from the internet via Firefox 16.0.1, Zotero Standalone 3.0.8 was not attaching the pdf files associated with these articles. We then tried it in add-on mode and it did attach the pdf files. The option was enabled in both Standalone and Add-on preferences.

I don't normally use this feature but decided to test it on my setup, 64 bit Kubuntu 12.04.1 with Firefox 16.0.1, Zotero Standalone 3.0.999.SOURCE.6586d30, and Zotero 3.08 for Firefox. I enabled the preference in both Standalone and Add-on and got the exact same results. In Add-on mode, the associated pdf files are saved, in Standalone they are not.
  • which database? PDF attachments are less reliable on standalone, but many standard databases, e.g. JSTOR and most journal publishers, will work. Some of the sites where you'll see problems, especially when going through a proxy, include Proquest, EBSCO, and Sciencedirect (though they do sometimes work).
  • and get a page snapshot but no pdf. gets the pdf but no snapshot. All via proxy.
  • Nature is behaving as expected. I think I might be able to get ESA work with Standalone. Sciencedirect we have a re-write in the queue, not sure if that will fix this, but the site is pretty complex so it might just not be possible.
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