Word Integration: Permanent, Moveable and Resizeable Window to insert Citations

since the number of people who work with two monitors have significantly increased, the following would be a very nice addition to the word processor plug-in:
Working with two monitors I would like to be able to open the window for adding a citation permanently so that I can place it on my second monitor. Therefore, I have to be able to both move and resize the window. Instead of clicking "OK" to insert an citation it would be nice to use drag&drop. Something similar might be accomplished by using Zotero in Firefox. Currently, when I drag&drop items into word the formated citation (name (1993): Titel. journal...) is inserted. This is certainly a very helpful thing. When I am writing a text, however, it would be helpful to drop&drop the in-text reference (name 1992: page). Being able to switch between these two option for example by pressing a key would accomplish the same as discussed above.

  • Currently, when I drag&drop items into word the formated citation (name (1993): Titel. journal...) is inserted. This is certainly a very helpful thing. When I am writing a text, however, it would be helpful to drop&drop the in-text reference (name 1992: page). Being able to switch between these two option for example by pressing a key would accomplish the same as discussed above.
    There is a ticket for this. I agree, it would be great to have this feature.
  • edited April 26, 2008
    Yes, yes, yes -- but even better if it dropped the field codes into a Word Document (rather than just a formated text citation).
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