Also arriving with Zotero 3.0 is slick new word processor integration.

As a 'forever' user of WP is there any hope of getting it to integrate
with Zotero?

Would be greatly appreciated!
  • no, probably not.
    There is this,
    which is good but not great. It will likely improve.
  • Adam:
    thanks for the prompt reply and the information. It will be interesting to see if I can import into Wordperfect in MSword format.

    As an aside, it beggars belief that the single best word processing program is not supported!

    Yes, I have used Word, a lot like digging your garden with your nose! -- possible yes, but painful!
  • It's too small a market (no matter how dedicated its users) and too much work. But Zotero is open source - anyone can look at the existing plugins and see if it's possible to write something similar for Zotero.
  • Thanks Adam.
    Just goes to prove that 'if you build a better mouse trap, the world will beat a path to your door is wrong!'

    People will still just run after them with a stick!

    I will suggest to google that a plugin in s needed. Sometime they accept suggestions!

    Thanks again for the product.

  • I'm working on an alternative to RTF-Scan that may help. It will be implemented in MLZ only at first, and live Zotero citations will only work after the document is converted to ODF for editing in LibreOffice; but unless Corel undertakes to produce an integration plugin themselves, it's probably the closest thing to WP integration likely to appear in the near to middle term.
  • Forum member PeterHindrup accurately describes the situation with WordPerfect, and given its popularity, the WordPerfect user base for school, home and business is a likely runner-up to MS Word, itself.

    As with Peter, new users strongly prefer WordPerfect after only a brief courtship-- an intuitive ease-of-use and powerful feature set simply confirms their choice. After trying MS Word, OpenOffice or LibreOffice, they like the dramatically better response from WordPerfect.

    WordPerfect easily imports and exports many other formats, including most versions of MS Word, and its users thrive in an agnostic marketplace where WordPerfect, as the worlds first PDF-based office suite, is a superbly adaptive product.

    As the Zotero user base grows, it becomes diverse, so simply adapting to diversity is a healthy strategy for Zotero and its future. We already see that strategy in the number of major applications recognizing the resurgent Apple market.

    Here is a better profile than I could write, myself, about WordPerfect Office--
  • @BobGreene, please abstain from the marketing talk.

    As @adamsmith already mentioned, the market share of WordPerfect is simply too small to make it worthwhile for the Zotero developers to create a dedicated word processor plugin themselves.

    E.g. per, WordPerfect's market share was 1.6% in 2006, and per, below 1% in 2012.
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