Numeric surnames - the problem of Perri 6
I'm not sure whether this belongs here or in 'Troubleshooting' or 'Feature requests' really.
Professor Perri 6 is causing some problems with rendering. It seems the specified sort-separator isn't rendered after a numeric surname. So despite sort-separator=", " I have
6 P. (2004) Joined-up government in the western world in comparative perspective. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14 (1): 103–138
I'm aware that sort-separator "only affects names written in the latin or Cyrillic alphabets", but I would have considered 6 to be in the latin alphabet. Also, the same restriction applies to name-as-sort-order but that appears to be working.
Professor Perri 6 is causing some problems with rendering. It seems the specified sort-separator isn't rendered after a numeric surname. So despite sort-separator=", " I have
6 P. (2004) Joined-up government in the western world in comparative perspective. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14 (1): 103–138
I'm aware that sort-separator "only affects names written in the latin or Cyrillic alphabets", but I would have considered 6 to be in the latin alphabet. Also, the same restriction applies to name-as-sort-order but that appears to be working.
fbennettThank you for calling attention to this. I will add numbers to the character set.
DWL-SDCAThere doesn't seem to agreement where prof. 6 should appear in an alphabetical listing of author names. He does fine work. What a character!