Proxy - on/off button

As probably many of us do, I sometimes use the proxy to get to articles from home. The problem is that the proxy through the Zotero function is sometimes a little too greedy. For instance it uses proxy for articles through Google scholar event though they're free.

I would therefore like to have a simple on/off button for the proxy. Is this simple & doable?
  • You can disable proxy re-direction in the preferences - it's not one click but four, but it's pretty quick.
  • Yes, I know. It is just a feature that would be convenient either as a keyboard shortcut or a fast-button.

    I for instance often use a proxy in PubMed but sometimes I just save the abstract. When I want access it again, for instance from work, I have re-enter the proxy, even though it's not needed, and I'm already within the library network. It's just a minor detail, but it has been minor nuisance, and I figured that perhaps I'm not the only one and it might not be a hard-to-do fix.
  • This would very easy to do technically, I think the concern is GUI space/user friendliness.
    I don't know if devs will accept a keyboard shortcut, which always has the risk of being pressed accidentally, which is particularly problematic for this purpose.

    It would be quite easy to write a plugin that does this - most of the code is already in place for this one:

    but I can't find a license, so someone would have to contact the developer about that.
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