Duplicate detection false positives

For several journals of the European Geosciences Union (published by Copernicus, see http://publications.copernicus.org/open_access_journals/open_access_journals_a_z.html), there exist a 'regular' and a 'discussion' journal. It's an open peer-review process, where upon submission, only a quick review is done before publication in the 'Discussions' journal (it's an 'official', citable, publication including a DOI). The peer-review process is open to the public, and in the end, the journal gets (hopefully) published in the 'regular' journal.

Usually, both the authors and the title for both publications remain the same between the two journals. While usually one would want to cite only the 'regular' publication, I sometimes find it useful to also keep the 'discussion' publication in my database. However, Zotero commonly treats these two distinct publications as candidate for its duplicate-detection.

Is there any way around this? It would be nice if I could tell Zotero that two entries it thinks are duplicates actually are distinct items.

Cheers, Andreas.

PS: For an example:
* http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/11361/2011/acp-11-11361-2011.html
* http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/21201/2011/acpd-11-21201-2011.html
  • currently not, no. There is a thread on manually unmarking items as duplicates, maybe you can find it or someone else remembers where it is, but IIRC it doesn't have anything specific in terms of dev plans.
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