[Bibliography] mising points at the end

I am using Zotero with LibreOffice.

If a bibliography entry is a wikipedia article or a entry with a DOI at the end, Zotero miss the point '.' at the end.
Each bibliography-entry need to have a point at the end. This is a general rule!

Why does Zotero doesn't handle it?
  • that's not a general rule - many citation styles have the - very sensible, by the way - rule to not put points after URLs and DOIs
    APA, to which I assume you're referring - is a case in point:
    Note that you should not add punctuation marks after DOIs or URLs in reference list entries. These can function as live links to lead readers directly to article information; thus the precise alphanumeric string (without added punctuation) is needed.
    There are even a couple of styles that don't require periods at the end of bibliography entries ever.
    It's certainly possible that Zotero/CSL has this wrong for some styles in the repository, in which case we need an example or references from the relevant style guide and we'll fix it.
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