Creating a general report with attachted Pictures (.jpg)
I'm just wondering if it is possible to make the attachted pictures in a General Report visible. Until now, I only see the name of the data file, but not the picture itself. But this would be really useful...
Thanx in advance!
I'm just wondering if it is possible to make the attachted pictures in a General Report visible. Until now, I only see the name of the data file, but not the picture itself. But this would be really useful...
Thanx in advance!
adamsmithno, that's not possible. Without thinking this through thoroughly, I don't see any major obstacle to showing images in reports, but someone would have to code it and I doubt it's going to be core devs. Shouldn't be terribly hard, though, if anyone wants to provide a patch.
GracileThat could be one of the "various customization options" Dan suggested here:
adamsmithhey, I see someone basically volunteering in that thread ;-)