APA citation errors with rare citations

When the editor and translator are the same person, I can't get the right output which is something like:

Altallan, M. (2001). The Oxbird legacy. In T. Boynes (Ed. & Trans), The Standard edition of the complete works of Altallan (Vol. 22, pp. 14-64). New York: Preston Press (Original work published 1973).

Zotero gives:

Atallan, M. (2001). The Oxbird legacy. In T. Boynes (Ed.), The Standard edition of the complete works of Altallan (Vol. 22, pp. 14–16). New York: Preston Press.

There's not a place for original work published information and there's not place to combine editor and translator into one!

(This example is from, oops, a competitor! I googled for it: http://citationonline.net/CitationHelp/csg04-manuscripts-apa.htm#25)

If I'm wrong, please tel me!
  • The editor/translator issue is now fixed - just put the same name in both fields in Zotero.
    The new version of the style will appear online within 30mins, update, by re-installing. In an existing document you may have to switch to a different style and back for changes to take effect. (note that it will be (Ed. & Trans.), which is correct. The period is missing in the example above).

    Original date of publication isn't currently possible, will be in the not too distant future, though.
  • Thanks so much! What fields?
    So I got Boynes, T in editor and translator fields right now?

    I think the original publication date can act like the doi or URL does because it sticks in a "sentence" before it...

    I got more for ya. I just need to remember to post them (I have super hard cites!)
  • if you have Boynes, T as an editor and Boynes, T as a translator that should work correctly in the current APA style now, yes.

    The problem with the original publication date is not that we don't know how to deal with it - in fact, the citation style language could already do this right - but that there is no field in Zotero for that information.
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