Floating toolbar in Mac Word --> how to add to standard ribbon?

The might be a Mac Word question, but I can't find the answer on those forums either... when I use the Zotero toolbar on my Mac, it's floating at the top of the screen. Is there a way to integrate it into a tab, menu, or ribbon in the Word screen itself, like how in the Windows version it ends up in the "Add-Ins" tab on the ribbon?

  • edited September 8, 2012
    I wish that too, but ribbons is crazy so here's my work around.

    let's see if I can do the steps right.
    1. open word.
    2. open the zotero toolbar (view>toolbars)
    3. open view>toolbars>customize toolbars/menus
    4. drag the buttons from the zotero toolbar to anywhere you want and drop them. I've added them to my formatting toolbar which I keep open but you can create another toolbar and dock it.

    It's not what you want, but it'll give you instant access to sources.
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