Times online snapshots removed

I had many timesonline.com snapshots saved in my library from before it was pay per view. Now these have all dissapeared but no other snapshots have been deleted.

Anyone else had this?
  • What exactly do you mean by "disappeared" - it's actually deleted form Zotero (i.e. no snapshot icon), or it just says it's gone when you open it?
    Also, are you really talking about timesonline.com? That's the Beaver County Times' online presence and it doesn't look pay-per-view to me.
  • Sorry www.thetimes.co.uk.

    I mean that when I open them the snapshot is no longer there. i.e. the reference is still in my library. None of my other snapshots appear to have been deleted.
  • edited September 10, 2012
    It's still not clear to me whether you mean that the actual child items are gone or the attachment files are gone (i.e., that you're getting error messages about missing attachment files).

    If you mean the former, provide a Debug ID for an opening attempt for such a file.

    If you mean the latter, it's not really possible for items to just disappear. It's far more likely that they were just never saved. But right-click on such a top-level item, generate a report, and copy the URL here, and we'll take a look.
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