Formatting references in style "The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (7th ed.)"


I am preparing a manuscript for submission to a journal that follows the name-year citation style from Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (7th ed.).

This style doesn't appear in Zotero's list of styles, although both the Harvard and the APA styles use the same name-year citation style (although the formatting of the bibliography is a bit different).

In order to abide by the journal's exact citation style, does it mean that I cannot use Zotero? EndNote, which I've happily left behind when migrating to Zotero, seems to have that style, but I'd rather not have to install&use it again! (as per )

Many thanks for any help!
  • Search for "Council of Science Editors (CSE)" or "CSE": there are two styles in the repo.
  • Thank you so much, I didn't even know about the repository, great to know Zotero doesn't have to make way for sloppy Endnote :-p
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