Referencing quotations withing texts / specific chapter authors


I am just wondering if someone might be able to explain how I can reference a quotation within a text (A quote of a quote) or the author of a specific chapter in a text, who isn't the overall author of the book? I would like these additions become part of the citation rather than something I have to add in front of the citation each time to the footnote in Word?


11. Jean Baudrillard, ‘Systems of Collecting’, in John Elsner and Roger Cardinal, The cultures of collecting (London: Reaktion Books, 1994), p. 16.

The bit that reads 'Jean Baudrillard, 'Systems of Collecting', in' is text that I have added in front of the Zotero citation. I have tried to insert this information manually into the bar that pops up when you go to add a Zotero citation so that Zotero might memorise it for the next time I wish to use the same reference. However the manually entered info doesn't show up in the footnote when I press enter.

I would be grateful for any pointers.

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