Report section possibility

I work in archaeology and often have to cite reports in which there are sub reports by different authors than the main parent report. I need the option to select an item type which is like book section but with the options for a report.
I have not found a good way to do this with the current options, am I missing something?
  • Could you give some sample citations?
  • Here is a report I need to cite now, I currently have it under Item type report and it comes out like this:

    Rúnar Leifsson. (2007). Appendix 2 Report of animal bones from Reykjarvíkurhöfn (nr. FS353-06322) (bls. 67–77). Reykjavík: Fornleifastofnun Íslands.

    But the information about the main author and title of the report is not here so it will be very hard for other people to find the reference but if I just use the entry for the main report I will be citing the wrong thing but it would be easier to find.
    Here is a link to the pdf if that explains it better

    Maybe most citation formats just don't have a way of doing this I don't know but this type of report is very common in archaeology.
  • I'd use book section for this and just tinker with the publisher or book title to get the report number in there. If you provide us with an example of how you would like a citation to look, we can probably suggest something.
  • I think something like this

    Rúnar Leifsson. (2007). Appendix 2 Report of animal bones from Reykjarvíkurhöfn in The Archaeology of Reykjavík Water Front
    TRH06 - 07 Framvinduskýrsla / Interim report by O. Aldred (nr. FS353-06322) (bls. 67–77). Reykjavík: Fornleifastofnun Íslands.

    Do citation formats not have rules for this type of thing? Is archaeology the only discipline where you get these types of reports with one main report which has sub-chapters by separate authors or appendixes or sub-reports?

    I see I had the wrong link in the last post, this is the correct one
  • Do citation formats not have rules for this type of thing? ?
    I don't know. We rely on subject specialists to tell us these things. Chicago Manual doesn't have rules for it.
    They're certainly pretty rare in other disciplines.

    But this looks like it'd work well as a book section:

    Use book section, Leifsson as author, Aldred as book author,
    "The Archaeology of Reykjavík Water Front
    TRH06 - 07 Framvinduskýrsla / Interim report nr. FS353-06322" as a title

    publisher, place, and pages as you have them atm.
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