Wiley Interscience more issues...

I am having problems with the Journal of Computational Chemistry. The translator fails. The URL:


Zotero does recognize the site as shown by the icon in the URL, but when clicked the operation fails.

It is interesting that I found a request for a Wiley translator in the forums. This was done and I tried the URL they provided. The translator works for the specific journal the end-user provided as an example, but it fails for the URL above which is for another journal within the Wiley Interscience site. (Sorry, I don't have the URL for the site it works.)

I've also tried to simply download the citation. As text, Zotero does not recognize it. As Endnote format, Zotero does recognize it, but it is clear the data is corrupted. It imports a long string of authors and that is it. I believe this is secondary to poor compliance with formats on the part of Wiley, an issued addressed in a prior discussion. Can you confirm this for this instance?

Thanks for your help with this wonderful tool!

  • As you suspected, Wiley is generating only very incomplete citation data for this item. Just a string of authors and an item type ("Journal Article"). No reference manager software will be able to do anything meaningful with a record so incomplete. Perhaps you could bring this matter to Wiley's attention?
  • Not related to the original inquiry, but I just made a quick fix to the Wiley translator to allow it to translate fulltext and pdf pages, not just abstracts (just changed all the regexps to (abstract|fulltext), and an instance of m[1] to m[2]). How do I submit it for possible distribution?
  • The best place to post and discuss code is the dev group http://groups.google.com/group/zotero-dev
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