Installation Fails: Console log for issues error 203 - firefox + linux

When trying to install I get:

Firefox could not install the file at [link]
because: Unexpected installation error
Review the Error Console log for more details. -203

The Console log indicates the following:
Error: installLocation has no properties
Source File: file:///opt/firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js
Line: 3849

Any help??

I'm using: (from help about):
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20061208 Firefox/
  • Seems to work when running firefox as root and installing it then.
    The issue seems to be that the priveleges does not allow a standard
    user to install a plugin.

    Hope this helps others that sturggle with this issue
  • I get the same error on windows xp. I have removed my mcafee antivirus and removed all other firefox addons, still same problem
  • Firefox 1.5 and later only
    I had the exact same problem, on windows xp, I got passed it after the following
    turning off macafee
    removing firebug add-on (not sure if this mattered)
    doing the following from the installation docs

    This will fix a number of extension issues [7][8]. Exit Firefox completely, then open your Firefox profile folder and delete these three files:


    The files will be regenerated.
  • I cannot find


    in the firefox. where are them?
  • Indeed it works when installed as root, but for that i need to log firefox as root every time. If i ever login as common user, zotero is not installed.

    Is it absolutely necesary to log firefox as root?
    How, do I get it installed in firefox as a common user?
  • I had a similar problem with Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron and Firefox

    First I had installed Firefox 3beta which is the default for (K)Ubuntu 8.04. Zotero does not work with it in the moment. So, I removed Firefox 3b again and installed Firefox However, your ~/.mozilla folder where the firefox settings are saved is sensibly not removed.

    And there seem to be some incompatibilities between Firefox 3 and 2 here. My advice: if you have any important files like your bookmarks in the ~/.mozilla directory back them up. Then remove Firefox 3b, delete ~/.mozilla and finally install Firefox 2.x.y.z

    And now give Zotero a try again. In my case it worked.
  • Thanks! After unsuccessfully trying various things the deleting of ~/.mozilla (sudo rm -r ~/.mozilla) finally did the trick, and I was able to install painlessly the google toolbar and other google extensions. Note, I loaded firefox-2 through the terminal sudo command - don't know if necessary but I was too frustrated already to take any chances on that.
  • I am unable to successfully sync. The red dot keeps appearing and when I click on sync the same message keep appearing:

    "One or more Zotero tags have been added to and/or removed from items on multiple computers since the last sync. The different sets of tags have been combined.

    View Firefox Error Console of such changes"

    The data in my zotero library on two different computer are not the same: the sync is not working properly.
  • please start a new thread and include an error report ID for a failed sync:
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