Reading Zotero Notes Online on iPad

I know ther is much on the forums about using the iPad with Zotero. I may have missed something but don't see anything about just having the ability to read your notes online on the iPad. (I am not talking about .pdfs or .pdf annotations.). When I view my Zotero library online on my iPad and go to items that have notes, the notes appear garbled with what looks like code of some kind. I am wondering if notes simply can't be displayed on the iPad, and if this is the case if there are any workarounds. I purchased ZotPad but no notes show up on that app either. Thanks!
  • The code that you see is HTML markup. I do not think that there is a practical way to render this as normal text on iPad.

    ZotPad will support notes starting at 1.2 version. (The 1.1 version is currently being finalized and 1.2 will follow after that in a month or two.)
  • Thanks so much for the response! I will eagerly wait on the ZotPad version!
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