sticking notes problem

I noticed that the highlighting and the sticking notes features are not working on an optimum way.
1: highlighting works fine but when you try to undo that, it doesn't do anything I don't know if it is a kind of a bug.
2: It's sad that your not abled to keep your notes in the place where you make it or where you want it to place when you try to max or min the size of the fond in the web page as a snapshot .....did I make myself clear? I'm sorry my English is not as good as I would like to..... It could be better if the note stays in the word, phrase or paragraph I like to...
thanks fot your attention...
  • Can anybody help me? I really need to answer this questions. Thank you very much.
  • I was able to replicate some of your highlighting issues and created a ticket. I cannot replicate the issue you are having with sticky notes. They seem to stick to the text as I resize my windows just fine.
  • and the sticky notes stay in the place where you placed it?? I tried again on a different computer and is not working...... yes, they stay in the text but not in the same place.
    What I need is to make notes on a specific word or paragraph and be able to resize the window while to notes move with the word or paragraph I sticked the first time, otherwise if I have many notes, I have to get back to the original size (the one that was in the moment of creation of the note) and find to which word, idea or paragraph each of the notes belong to. isn't this the idea of this function???
    thanks again.
  • edited April 21, 2008
    What I need is to make notes on a specific word or paragraph and be able to resize the window while to notes move with the word or paragraph I sticked the first time,
    This is exactly the behavior I get. Notes should stay anchored to the point in the text where they were placed. The only thing I can think of here is that they will switch the corner they anchor on if you shrink your window small enough that you could no longer see the note. In any event though, your notes should always stay anchored to the specific spot in the text. Can anyone reproduce this issue?
  • >>> "that they will switch the corner they anchor on if you shrink your window small enough that you could no longer see the note."

    Other than that - that the upper RIGHT corner is the anchor if the width of the window wouldn't permit having in 'left-anchored' I did not notice any pecularities (albeit on a rather short test, though).

    P.S. Can somebody please let me know how to activate the proper format for quotations in this forum?
  • I'm sorry, what is " proper format for quotations" ??? I'm not familiarized with this...could somebody explain me please?

    another aspect to consider and that I would like to be included in the next version of zotero is to work on pdf files using highlighting and the sticking notes features. This could help (not only me I hope..) a lot, because right now I'm using other software (foxit) to complete this task.
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