capital letters, delete comma

I am not able to handle this problem...

I choosed the "Elsevier Havard Style (with titles)". It is more or less what I want. But I want to delete commas after autors name and I want the name to be in capital letters.
Now it is: "(Zerbe, 1998)" in the text an
"Zerbe, S., 1998. Potential natural vegetation: validity and nature conservation. Applied Vegetation Science 1, 165–172." in the bibliography.
It should be: "(ZERBE 1998) in the text (small caps would be even better) and "Zerbe, S. 1998. Potential natural vegetation: validity and nature conservation. Applied Vegetation Science 1, 165–172." in the bibliography.

Can somebody sent me the code or another citation-style?
  • Finally I found a better Havard-style. But there are still no capital letters in the citation like (ZERBE 1998). So I opened Windows-Notepad and replaced <"text-case=lowercase" through "uppercase" in the <macro name="author"> line. I saved the changes closing Notepad, Word and even firefox. Reopening Word - no results in citation. Did I something wrong?
  • Reinstalling needs something like a zotero-validation. WTF?!
  • edited July 13, 2012
    No profanity, please.

    Could you elaborate on "needs something like a zotero-validation"? Do you get an error message when you try to install the modified style? If you copy and paste your style at and send us the link we'll take a look whether you made the changes correctly.
  • edited July 14, 2012
    now installation works - (stupid mistake). But there are still no capital letters in citations. And there is another problem: I localized default: de-DE. This is important for the bibliography. Unfortunaley it changes all "et al." in citation and bibliography into "u. a." How can I keep the "et al."? Here is the link:
    Where must I take changes???
    I am really, really gateful for your help!!!
  • The answer ca be found here:
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