Using a CSL from an exporter

I need to write an exporter that prepends multimarkdown-style ids to another style. Can I generate a reference string using an existing CSL, by a function call from the exporter javascript code?

Multimarkdown allows you to use any id tag like this

[#myidtag]: My Citation, 2005, The Title, etc etc.

With zotero and bibtex and multimarkdown it's convenient to use zoteros bibtex id, which is firstauthorlastname_firstwordoftitle_year, so the multimarkdown reference would be

[#abraham_random_2007]: Abraham, J. "Random paper I wrote in 2007", etc. etc.

The bibtex translator has to code to generate the bibtex id, I just want to replace all the complicated remaining details in the bibtex translator with a call to a function that generates bibliography text based on an existing CSL.

Thanks for any help,


PS this continues the discussion over in the CSL forum, here
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