Customizing/formatting generated reports

Have just started using Zotero and love it. In addition to using it as an indexing/bibliographic tool, it also has great capabilities for compiling clips from Web pages and distributing them as aggregated news clips. (I use Zotero on a Mac OS X, running 10.4 and firefox.
To do this, I've been pasting paragraphs into the notes section and then generating a report. I have several questions related to making this process as easy and useful as possible.
-- is there a way to customize the fields that are generated in the reports? I've looked but don't see that option anywhere, and I'd like to remove the type, accessed and modified fields.
-- Is there a way apply formatting either directly to the notes field and have that apply to the generated report, or instead to customize the output of the notes' plain text when generating a report? Currently, all the notes print as a single lumped mass of text without even any paragraph marks. Would love to at least be able to include paragraph breaks, or even better, bold headlines.
-- The report generated orders the individual references in the same order they're categorized in the center pane in my Zotero window. I currently have them sorted by title. In the pull-down window, I don't see "tags" listed as one of the fields available to group with. Is it possible to sort all the items in a collection using tags and then generate a report with the entries listed in that order?
Any help that can be provided would be great.
Thanks in advance.
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