how to correct double-bracket error

since last time I used Zotero (May 2012) a bug has appeared that inserts an extra square bracket into each citation, for example
[(1)] will appear in the text for the 1st citation for a style that uses only round brackets (parenthases). This did not happen in May and occurs with every citation style and whether or not the citation is superscript. In May such citations would appear with a gray highlight over them, so perhaps the imbedded character string that created the gray highlight is now interpreted to create the extra set of square brackets. Does any one have a solution? The gray highlight version is acceptable but not necessary, while the double-bracket looks sloppy.

  • I'm using Word 2008 for Mac,
    Firefox 13.0.1 (the latest)
    Zotero 3.0.7 (the latest)
    Zotero word extension for Mac 3.5.5 (the latest)
    mac OS 10.6.8
  • edited July 9, 2012
    Nothing has changed in Zotero since, I suspect this is related to Word.
    Try printing a page either - either on paper or as a pdf. Do you still see the double brackets?

    edit: see Simon below.
  • edited July 9, 2012
    The brackets are non-printing and will appear only if you're using bookmarks. They're there to stop you from accidentally extending the bookmark and putting things in it that shouldn't be part of the citation. If you use fields, you will see the gray highlight instead. (You can switch in the Zotero document preferences.)
  • There you go. That was the correct solution. Thanks very much.
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