Library not opeing in FireFox

My Library does not open in FireFox. I can go the the Zotero Site and the Library is there with all it's Collects but not in FireFox 13.0.1?

Dose anyone have a fix or know what is wrong?
  • Here is the report error code I generated. 1423538256.
  • this isn't just about the error report - "can't open" isn't enough info to go by. Please provide more details on the error - what happens when you try to open the library? Nothing? Do you get an error message? etc.
  • Check your database integrity in the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Closing and reopen FireFox Solved the issue. My library and all of its Collections now appear in Zotero when opened in FireFos. Tahk you for the support!
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