Zotero Start Up Error - Please Help

I am hoping someone will respond to this. I cannot access zotero at all at the moment. This is the error it is running into:

Timestamp: 6/26/2012 11:39:48 AM
Error: Zotero is not defined
Source File: http://www.zotero.org/static/js/zotero.1316822452.js
Line: 18

When I explore the error, firefox opens a page of code and highlights the following scripts:


"Zotero.pages = { "

Any ideas how to fix this? I would think everyone is having this problem if it is in the script, but no one else seems to be posting on the issue, so I really have no idea what's going on.
  • when you say "cannot access zotero" - what exactly do you mean? Your library on zotero.org? Or Zotero locally?
    In the latter case, please provide details on your set-up (Zotero version, OS etc.).
  • the local add-on will not start up. I get the message:

    "There was an error starting Zotero"
  • I am on Windows 7, zotero 3.0.7
  • Those errors are from zotero.org, not the add-on. They are unrelated to your problem.
  • well, i just uninstalled my zotero add-on and attempted to reinstall after a browser restart. I received the message:

    "Zotero could not be installed because Firefox cannot modify the needed file"

    So it would seem that there is a problem with my firefox, or some local network settings possibly?
  • yeah - that sounds like a network or a permission issue - most likely Firefox, maybe Windows related
    see here
    and here:
  • I just spoke with the network administrator and there have been no changes to the settings. I have also not changed any settings within windows or firefox. i am at a loss here. I carried out the methods outlined with the discussions posted here and no go.
  • edited June 26, 2012
    Yes, that's a Firefox/system issue, not a Zotero one.

    This might be due to security software on the system or a corrupt Firefox installation.
  • Well, switching my firefox profile seems to have worked. However, does anyone know how I can move my bookmark and other preferences over to this new profile?

  • Okay, I just figured it out. For some reason, my temp files within my work computer's roaming profile, were all of a sudden marked "read-only." This was preventing Zotero from access and overwriting files. Once I changed that setting, everything worked. Incidentally, I was also able to find the profile folders, which allowed me to change the "read-only" settings for my original profile. I am guessing that our security software made the changes to the temp folders.
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