Quotes within titles

I'm having a little trouble with the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology citation style. It seems that double quotes inside the title are flipped to single quotes. However, the same citation works correctly with Elsevier's Harvard Style (with titles).

Looking at the code, I see that EHS style has quote="true" If I add the same thing to the JME style, the double quotes are not flipped, but now I have extra quotes surrounding the title (extra quotes are not present in EHS style). So two questions:

1) Why are the quotes flipped in JME style to start with.
2) How does EHS style not have the surrounding quotes with the quotes="true" option.

The reference in question can be found at https://gist.github.com/2993310

Thanks in advance
  • 1. Because the style has the en-GB locale and that locale has single quotes by default. It makes sense that Zotero would flip quotes according to the locale, else people would have to manually adjust that in their items

    2. The EHS style only has quotes="true" in the substitute conditional for the author macro, not in the title macro. For titles without author/editor/translator you would get (double) quotes - not sure if that's correct.
  • I see. That behavior makes sense. I guess I rushed a little with my assessment of #2.
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