Tools for working in browser (withouth opening Zotero)

A few browser buttons would make internet research with Zotero a lot easier. One button could allow Zotero to create and item (and take a snapshot) for pages that Zotero doesn't have a translator for. I use Zotero to archive items from the web, but it's a real pain to have to open Zotero on the correct page, just to take a snapshot.

The second button would be related. It would allow one to open the snapshot (highlightable) version of the page without opening Zotero. All this, I think, would make web research much quicker. Thanks!
  • Funny. I thought that Zotero once had a "Save snapshot of current page" in the context menu, but I can't find it now.
  • Ah, must have been the "Create Zotero Item and note from selection" line that I was thinking of, which only shows up when I ... make a selection. No help to you though.
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