security copy

Hi, I'm sorry if this comment is not appropiate in this section or if it has already been explained but I couldn't find anything related. I'd like to know if there's a way to have a copy of my Zotero library in an external memory -apart from the one that is on the Zotero server and is synced with the one in my PC. The reason for my concern is that servers might fail and loose the information and the ways I've found to export the library are in an unknown format which I cannot copy to a Pages document or similar in order to have the whole list of references.
I hope I've explained it well... I'm getting started with Zotero and still a bit lost. Thank you very much for your help!
  • Zotero keeps a local copy of your library on your computer, and uses the server as backup and synchronization. If you are taking regular backups of your computer, you are fine. If not, then you have a bigger problem than just the possibility of loosing your Zotero data.
    but really what mronkko says: You should have a periodic, automatic back-up of your entire HD set-up, including, but not limited to the Zotero folder.
  • Ok, I understand now. I had already synced my library but since for the rest of the stuff I keep a copy in a flash memory that was the way I intented to use to store another copy of the library, just in case... but if it's safe just keeping it in the computer and in the server, I should be fine then. Thank you very much for your help and fast reply!
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