Presenting Zotero information on website

My organization committed some resources to creating a large Zotero library of documents in our field (international relations - state building and security), and we're trying to get the most out of it. We were hoping that we could somehow use the Zotero as a document library on our website, with visitors being able to search or at least browse the collection without necessarily having to be Zotero users. I.e. we essentially want to use our Zotero library as a document library on our website. Is this kind of integration possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • It really depends on what you want.
    Obviously you can link to your Zotero library on, which can be browsed by anyone (if you make it public). Note that attachments aren't accessible in public libraries/groups.

    You can also use the server api to feed the bibliography into a website etc.

    But if you want to be serious about creating a document library, you should look at repository software like dspace and just use Zotero for the local version of the library.
  • Thanks so much for your help. I looked at some of the dspace use cases, particularly the university of michigan's document library. I think this should work well for us. So is there an easy way to integrate Zotero with dspace? You said to use Zotero as the local version of the library - what does that mean exactly?
  • Zotero exports MODS data which you can - I believe - use for dspace. So you could collect and maintain data in Zotero and export it to dspace for presentation.
    But that's really a question for the dspace forum/support - give them a list of the export formats supported by Zotero:
    and see if they have any ideas.
  • It also depends how you run your website - there are several CMS-plugins which use the API :
    - for wordpress there is zotpress, which I use to feed a group bibliography to a society webpage here
    - for SPIP there is the realtively recent ZotSPIP with an example here :

    Similar implementations could be put in place for other CMS.
  • edited June 14, 2012
    I just remembered - also have a look at OMEKA which is developed by the same center at GMU and should work with Zotero more flawlessly (I think there is a plugin)

    edit: yep:
  • Thanks to both of you - this is incredibly helpful. Will post the option we end up going with and let you know how it worked.
  • There's also still MIT's Citeline. Export from Zotero as BibTEX and import into Citeline

    It produces HTML which you can link to or embed in your own site.
  • I wouldn't recommend Citeline - it's no longer maintained or developed (e.g. the Zotero plugin they used to have only works with Zotero 1.0) and they just create displays, not searchable collections.
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