Zotero data directory=> Could it be storage inside a encrypted container?


Considering that an encrypted container is open and mounted as a driver (as happens in the case of "truecrypt" software), could the Zotero data directory be storage and used inside this encrypted container normally?

I know it will work just when the container is mounted as a drive, as I could tested. But I am afraid with data integrity, performance, etc. So, any information will help a lot!

  • As you responded to yourself, it does work. If you are worried about data loss inside encrypted drive or performance, you should ask this from the vendor of the encryption software. This is not really related to Zotero.

    I am using Zotero with a Mac that has full disk encryption and my colleague is using it on a true crypt volume on Windows, and we have not had any problems.

    Having backups is your best guarantee agains data loss.
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