EOS Web translator?

Is there a site translator for EOS Web catalogs? I'd like to add data to my Zotero library from the Hagley Library site, but Zotero doesn't seem to recognize their bibliographic data.
  • no there isn't. I don't see a way to do this easily, either. You could inquire if they know a way to get to the MARC display from an item display in the catalog - without that, I don't see how we'd reasonably do this.
  • How about if I can get the MARC data in a separate file? Unfortunately, their catalog will not display MARC data, but they can send me data separately.
  • no - we need to be able to get to some type of metadata from a catalog item. That's ideally MARC, but could be other things - other library formats like MODS or MARCXML, or reference formats like RIS or bibtex.

    This could be via a link on the page, an addition to a URL, some type of API that we can access using information on the item page...
  • If you just care about importing data for yourself, then you can import the MARC data that they send you into Zotero using Zotero's MARC translator (though MARC is not explicitly listed, the proceedure should be the same as http://www.zotero.org/support/getting_stuff_into_your_library#importing_from_other_tools)

    But as far as a web translator for everyone to use, see adamsmith's post.
  • (actually that might not work - most MARC that libraries give out is by default in a human readable format and not in the machine readable form that Zotero reads - MARCXML or MODS would work great, though)
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