first name shortcut

my zotero-library is full of these to different first name styles:
full first name in some informations about papers like Mitchell or Charles and the shortcuts of first names like M. or F. in other informations about other papers. If I organize a bibliography in Word there are both styles, instead of one style! I want Zotero to shortcut the firstnames no matter what the information in the library says. Like this: Darwin, Ch. 1855.....
Humboldt, A. 1870....
But not Darwin, Ch..... and Humboldt, Alexander in the same document.
  • What style do you use?
  • It seems not to be a question of style, but a question of what I noted in the informations about the article or is there a style that only uses shortcuts (and how does this style handle shortcuts in the library-informations). How should I handle the first name information in the library in general? I tried all default-styles of first zotero installation 3.0.7 (is about 15)
  • Initialization of given names is handled by the style you choose. :
    If this attribute is set, given names are converted to initials. The attribute value specifies the suffix that is included after each initial ("." results in "J.J. Doe").
    But if a style does not use initials, it will display exactly what is in your zotero field.
  • Thanks a lot, Gracile!!! So there is no matter if I shortcut the first name in the library (asking for experiences)? Do you know a style that shortcuts? I am not able to program it on my own...
  • You should not initialize them directly in your library: keep your metadata as complete as possible.
    Many styles use initials. Try APA, Elsevier, IEEE, Nature, Vancouver...
  • That was helpful! Thanks!
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