Subscript citation with tooltip information

I've tried all available citation styles in Zotero 3.0.7 (used with MS Word 2010), looking for one where the citation is inserted as a superscripted number, AND where hovering the mouse cursor above the citation displays a tooltip with the author and title of the paper - however found none that met these criteria. I noticed that the Nature style is superscripted (but with no tooltip info), and that the Chicago(note) style effectively has tooltips because it inserts citations as footnotes, which is not what I want though.

Is this a question of finding the right citation style, or is the tooltip thing just a Zotero setting that can be enabled with any citation style?

Many thanks in advance for any help!
  • AND where hovering the mouse cursor above the citation displays a tooltip with the author and title of the paper
    I might be wrong but I think it's your word processor (MS Word here) which controls this behaviour. Zotero can't do anything here.
  • I don't think this works with any word processor. In LO the tooltip will display the entire content of the field, which, if you use the default "Store References in Document" setting, does include author and date etc. - but it's going to be so far towards the end of the field that you won't see it.
    In Word this will never be displayed (though if you _really_ want to see it you can toggle fields with alt+F9)

    The only citation style where this _does_ work, are footnote/endnote based styles like Chicago Manual of Style - there, the tooltip (as set by your word processor) will display the content of the corresponding footnote/endnote.
  • I have a document where the superscripted citation has a tooltip, but the ref management software used then was EndNote, so I guess it's possible with EndNote but not with Zotero...
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