doi from pubmed?

Hi, I searched and found a discussion that said Zotereo was updated in 2008 to read DOIs from PubMed. I just tried importing a reference with a known DOI and the DOI field is blank. Thoughts?
  • edited May 29, 2012
    Can you give us the PubMed ID of the paper in question? It's likely that PubMed just doesn't (properly) store the DOI for the paper.
  • here is the PMID: 15654184. In the XML viewof PubMed (which Zoetero doenst seem to be able to import) there appears to be a doi labeled pii.
  • That's not a DOI, but a PII (see The NCBI PubMed translator used by Zotero to save items from PubMed does use the XML provided by PubMed, and does save the DOI, but no DOI is available for this article.
  • This came up because I was looking for a doi for another paper for a publisher and I could not find it in my Zotereo library. The journal publisher listed this as an example.
    "Duma, S.M., Manoogian, S.J., Bussone, W.R., Brolinson,P.G., Goforth, M.W., Donnenwerth, J.J., et al. (2005).
    Analysis of real-time head accelerations in collegiate
    football players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,
    15, 3–8. PubMed doi:10.1097/00042752-200501000-00002"

    Is the publisher incorrect?
  • edited May 30, 2012
    Entering the DOI at resolves to the article, so the DOI is correct (and the fact that PubMed doesn't store a DOI doesn't have anything to do with Zotero, so this discussion can probably be closed at this point).
  • I have looked into this further just in case someone else is looking for help with this issue. The correct response appears to be: some abstracts listed in PubMed do not have a DOI (and never will as it is assigned by the publisher); some abstracts do have DOIs, but they are not listed in PubMed (link to above is helpful here); and some abstracts have DOIs and these are listed in the abstract view in PubMed. In this latter case, the DOIs are correctly loaded into Zotero.
  • A few words about DOIs.

    The DOI Foundation is a not-for-profit entity but publishers pay for the DOI linking for each of their journals. Some publishers (even large ones) do not participate and their journal articles do not have DOIs. Other publishers don't participate because of the annual fee.

    Some publishers, although they participate in the DOI system do not include article DOIs in the metadata they send to the PubMed system (or, it seems to any system -- at least, they don't send the doi strings to PubMed and to my SafetyLit service). These publishers include DOIs with articles on their websites and with the printed and pdf versions of the articles. I have been unable to find out why they do this; it seems counterproductive.

    Some publishers omit the 10.nnnn/ part and only only send the suffix with their metadata.

    I know that if publishers send the DOI with their metadata, bibliographic databases will include it...and Zotero will import the DOIs.
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