Problem with Syncronize

Report Error number: 993159895

I just start to use Zotero few months ago, and now, when I am developoing my tesis text, I am using it every day, on my desktop at home, and on my laptop on trips.

It is very comom to me put PDF files on Zotero, create a upper level, and registar the new bibliografy, with this way I can open it every where I am.

A couple days ago, I put some PDF, that are not syncronizing with the server. I checked my storege limit, and i have enought space fot the files. I was wondering to buy more space (once I will need it soon), but now I am afraid.

Does Zotero work properly with a bige volume of transfer data? If I buy more space, this problem will resolved by itself?

Do anyone have the same problem?
  • Is this still happening? If so, restart Zotero and provide a Debug ID for a sync attempt that produces the error.
  • Dear Dean,

    It is not happing any more. In one sync, a lot of conflicts was shown, and after that, on all my devices, the sync process was good.

    Thank you for your attention.
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