Deploying style from a web link

i seem to have issues with installing a style from a weblink. i assume its something to do with extensions, as when renamed to an .xml file i can see them, but when as a .csl i get 404 errors. I assume its a problem with my hosting provider.

as a work around i was wondering if anyone knew how the install links on this site functioned ?

  • You'll have to figure out the 404 issue on your end, but to trigger the install dialog in Zotero you'll need to serve the styles with the MIME type text/x-csl.

    Assuming you have appropriate permissions, you should be able to do that with a line like this in an .htaccess file:

    AddType text/x-csl .csl
  • thanks ill take a look.
  • unfortunatly im on a shared IIS server, and i cant find any option within the plesk interface to add mime types, so ill have to speak to my hosting provider :-(
  • chris: why not just add it to the zotero repo?
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