Dialog suspended if word processing plugin busy

Here is an interesting bug, described by the replication sequence:
1. Open Zotero and select a library item.
2. In a work processor, select Add Citation and leave the Zotero search box open.
3. Attempt to delete an item from your library (e. g. the one preselected in step 1).
4. A dialog box appears and promptly disappears. Then, nothing happens, and it looks like there has been an app hang.
5. In the word processor, press escape to leave the Zotero dialog.
6. The "Are you sure you want to move this to the Trash?" dialog immediately appears over the browser window.
7. Click yes to delete, and proceed as normal.

The bug is in #4; the cause of the apparent hang is not intuitive, especially if the word processor box is not in the user's field of view.
I recognize that having the Add Citation box open while Zotero editing is happening may lead to some update/refresh challenges in the word processing dialogue, but current handling is not really appropriate.

Use case: Going to add a citation, discovering a duplicate in the library, and returning to Zotero to remove the right one of the pair.

Thanks for your work on Zotero!
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