Word for Mac wont talk to Safari

I have installed all the correct plugins etc but Word still refuses to recognise Safari. Each time I try to use it it tells me ..."Word cannot communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Firefox is open and try again".

But I haven't downloaded the Firefox version and dont want to use it.

Help anyone ?
  • edited May 21, 2012
    Make sure you have the latest version of Zotero Standalone installed and that it's open. (The Word plugin doesn't talk to Safari; it talks to Firefox or Zotero Standalone. The message you are getting has been updated to mention Zotero Standalone in newer versions of the Word plugin.)
  • Cheers Simon.........I'm a muppet, I just needed to activate Zotero after downloading it, it was just sitting in my app folder waiting for action! Cheers
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