No Import Icon In Address

I no longer have an import icon in my address bar when navigating to amazon or my school's library, or sites such as the Library of Congress. I'm using firefox on a OsX.

Any advice? Am I missing something?
  • edited February 28, 2008
    I may have the same issue, but I'm not sure. I have zotero installed and it seems to be working when I click on the "zotero" word in the bottom right corner of my window status bar. However, there is not a zotero icon in the browser address bar at the top of the browser. Instead, I have a "subscribe to this page" icon which I think was there before, but I never use.

    Is there supposed to be a zotero icon in the browser address bar? Any ideas how I can get it to appear?
    - - - -
    I think I figured it out - only certain pages are enabled to have the icon - I'll just use the zotero in the status bar.
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